Sunday, April 17, 2011

healthy changes

so i posted earlier that i've started walking again.  i know.  i amaze myself.  i really don't like exercising at all.  but lately i've really enjoyed walking.  maybe it's because the weather is just perfect, and everything is starting to bloom.  

one of my favorite place we walk by is a house just down the street from us.  their yard is gorgeous!  it's been green all through winter because they have rye grass planted.  right now it is like a giant rug laid out in front of their house!  colby likes it, too.  he's even laid down on it just because.

last monday night while we were walking i decided to go check out a field that is at the back of our neighborhood.  it looks like it was going to be developed into another neighborhood, but for some reason it hasn't happened yet.  colby likes exploring as much as i do.  he likes to climb up on piles of stuff (as long as there are no visible spiders) while i like to look for photo opportunities!

photo of the day

heart-shaped rocks remind me how much
god loves me!

tuesday was an exciting day for me because i met my first weight-loss goal since i joined weight watchers!  i have lost 5% of my body weight!  woo hoo!  it's amazing how much better i feel physically and mentally.  i've lost a total of 15.6 pounds, and i'm so proud of myself.

whenever a person loses their first 5%, the leader always calls them up to get our "sticker" and asks what helped us the most.  that was an easy answer....God!  i couldn't have done this without constantly asking him to help me make healthy decisions everyday.  i have totally relied on his strength instead of mine because i have very little will power.  this is just a small step on a long journey, but it's one i'm actually excited about even though i know it won't be easy, and i know that there will be times that i will mess up.  that's ok.  this is a process.

photo of the day
weight watchers recipe

wednesday night after church i had to cook for a luncheon at school on thursday.  while i was in my own little cooking world spencer yelled, "!"  i turned around and he was laughing and pointing at the floor.  smudge had run past me with a ball of yarn in his mouth and i hadn't even noticed!  he made a complete circle from the living room, through the kitchen and gameroom back to the living room with a trail of yellow yarn following him!  holy cow!  i had just spent a long time winding that ball up the night before because he had torn the wrapper off the skein and therefore unravelled it!

photo of the day
ugh. smudge.


  1. hahhaa. i love all of your posts. i need to comment more! but i absolutely LOVE your stories and your photo journals. they make me smile. and glad its not me he's torturing. but let me tell you, i love that silly dog and all of his tricks!!!

  2. Amy, these changes you are making are not easy. But it will be so worth it. You will feel better, just healthier and have more energy. You will also feel better about yourself! I love you just like you are, but if you are like me, you get frustrated with yourself and that reflects out to the world. You are awesome! Keep up the good work.
