Friday, April 1, 2011

mega post

holy cow!  it's been way too long since i blogged!  it took almost 2 hours to upload and resize photos for this post.  sheesh!  that'll teach me to wait so long between posts.

so let's start where i left off... spring break.

wednesday the boys and i got haircuts.  it was a spur of the moment thing.  that's usually how it is when i get my haircut.  i just get sick of it and want it cut off immediately.  
the before shot.  (everyone always looks miserable
in before shots, right?)
after the haircuts, we drove down to tulsa for my eye exam. we also got to have lunch with lisa!  bonus!

it's been over 6 years since i'd gotten my eyes checked.  surprisingly, my vision hadn't changed too much!  the doctor actually invited the boys in to watch me get my exam.  they sat in the corner and laughed at me when i called out letters that weren't anywhere near the right answer!
photo of the day
eye exam

after the haircut (it's really not that different.)
 thursday was st. patrick's day, and for some reason spencer was all about dressing up for it!  we went to the mall in bartlesville to look at frames for me, and he actually wore the tie!  colby wore the hat.  he was going to wear the wig, too, but he didn't like it hanging in his face.

photo of the day
my irish lad

the frames at the mall were WAY too expensive, so friday the boys and i made another trip to tulsa to get frames from eyemart.  since we were there we had lunch with gina and abbey.  another bonus!  and they helped me pick out my new frames!  it was great to have their opinions.  who knows what frames the boys and i would have chosen.

while we were having lunch i was talking about how my 2-day-old haircut didn't even look like i'd gotten it cut.  i was explaining to abbey and gina what i had wanted my hair to look like, and abbey started saying all the things the girl should have done.  and then gina said, "why don't you let abbey cut your hair?  she cuts her own."  so i thought, "what the heck?  it's only hair.  it will grow back."

now you have to understand one thing....abbey is a junior in high school with NO training in cutting hair.  she had highlighted my hair before, so i knew i could trust her.  normally i wouldn't just let any old teenager whack on my hair!  so we went back to their house while i was waiting for my new glasses to be made and abbey cut my hair!

photo of the day
before haircut #2
 saturday i had to make another trip to tulsa to pick up glasses because the machine at eyemart broke on friday, so needless to say they didn't get my glasses done in an hour.  we waited around tulsa on friday for about 3 hours!

anyhoo, i got all ready to go with my new hairdo and it started storming!  ugh.  not only was it storming it was hailing!!  there was no way i was getting out in that!

holy hailstones, batman!
 sometime after noon, the storm passed and spencer and i headed to tulsa to finally get my new glasses.  eyemart was having a deal where you could get 2 pairs for a low price.  i picked out a really cute brown pair that had sunflowers on the sides and an awesome purple pair!  when i went to the counter, the clerk pulled out 2 trays with glasses, and they were both brown.


i told the lady that one of those were not my glasses.  the sunflower ones were mine, but i had not chosen the other ones.  so the lady checked my receipt against the ticket in tray, and she said, "those aren't your glasses.  you ordered purple frames."


so she and another woman started scrounging around looking through all the other orders looking for my frames, and they couldn't find them.  then they asked another clerk about it, and they finally figured out that they sent my frames with another customer.  how in the world do you do that?  we didn't even have the same prescription!  how did the other lady not noticed that she got purple glasses????

then they went back in the lab to see about having another pair made immediately, and guess what. they didn't have any more of the purple frames.  imagine that.  they said they would order another pair and i could come back and pick them up whenever they were ready.

since this was my 3rd trip to tulsa in one week, i was a little frustrated.  i told them that i had driven down from bartlesville again because they didn't have my glasses ready in an hour yesterday like they said they would.  so they offered to mail them to me.

i counter-offered.  there was a pair of red frames that i really liked, but they didn't fit in the price range of the deal i was getting.  they were $10 over the limit.  so i asked if they would give me those frames instead of the purple ones and not charge me any extra.  they were more than happy to do that, AND my glasses were ready in 30 minutes.  woo hoo!

photo of the day
new do, new specs

 sunday was our last day of spring break.  sigh.  i think i napped the day away! i even forgot to take a picture until smudge and i went to bed that night.  can you tell what it is?  i'm holding something in my hand.

photo of the day

monday was back to normal.  it was a good day at school.  the kids were pretty mellow.  i think they were all tired from having to get up early again!  i knew exactly how they were feeling.  when i got home i was exhausted.  i just wanted to sit and finish the cupcake i was knitting.  little did i know that smudge had already eaten that cupcake!

photo of the day
it's not a real cupcake, smudge!

photo of the day
smudgie has a boo boo
he probably got it from doing something
he shouldn't have been doing.

photo of the day 
bedtime in my room

thursday evening spencer taught smudge how to catch a tennis ball that rolled off the roof.  it was nearly dark, so i didn't get very good pictures.

photo of the day
catch it, smudge!

so friday, they played catch again.  this time i was able to get some great pictures! i had to lay down on the floor and barely crack the back door open so i wouldn't distract smudge. (he's easily distracted.)
"i'm ready!"


"it's right there, smudge!"

this one looks like the ball smacked him!

smudge got tired and just watched spencer throw
the ball on the roof.

where's smudge?

he spotted me and was ready for his close-up!

i had to shut the screen door to keep him out.

round 2
 photo of the day
super smudge!

yay!  you did it!!!

"ok.  i caught it.  i'm done."

"alright.  just one more."

"now i'm really done."

"see ya."
 after supper that night, the boys and i walked around our neighborhood.  it was so exciting to see spring popping out everywhere!

do you see something in the tree?


so pretty.
 i've always liked these purple weeds.  yes, i know they are just weeds, but they are so cute!  i kept passing them and thinking i should take a picture.  so i finally did.  tonight when i was resizing the pictures i noticed that i managed to get a pile of poop in the picture, too!  hahahaha! i didn't even know it was there!

i don't know what these are, but i love the color!



i wish i had one of these in my yard!

simply beautiful.
 i guess the boys got tired of me stopping and taking pictures because when we got near our street again, they left me!  when i rounded the corner i found all 3 of them resting in the yard.  such a sweet sight.

photo of the day
3 hineys!
i have no idea what they were looking for.

no, smudge!


another knitted cupcake with a
giant flower!
sunday night we hosted the middle school youth group event....NERF WARS!  

even the preacher was armed!
 photo of the day
men on a mission

photo of the day
grading papers

tuesday night we had a test prep night at school.  it went very well, and we had a great turnout!  while i was doing that, daryl and spencer went to a bread baking class at church. they really enjoyed it, and the bread they made was delicious!  i hope they will use their new skills and bake some bread at home!

photo of the day
fresh bread

tuesday night i also noticed that smudge's crooked ear is now on his right side!  weird.

photo of the day
let's get spencer!

photo of the day
colby reading

photo of the day
april fools!
purple milk courtesy of spencer

quote of the day:  "i wish i was a dog so it would be ok to pee on mailboxes." ~ colby

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